Tech Geeks will check and verify each and every product before being dispatched.
What happens if I have received the wrong/damaged product?
If an error has occurred or item is dead on arrival you must advise us within 48 hours of receipt of product.
All valid returns will be replaced and dispatched within 2 working days once we have received the incorrect/damaged product and inspected it.
Returns will be arranged with you prior to our courier coming to collect. If for any reason you are not available to have the item collected and do not inform us prior to the courier arriving at your location an additional fee may be charged before another collection is arranged or you will have to return the item at your own cost.
What happens if I want to return goods for a refund as i have changed my mind?
You are welcome to return the product provided that the product is in the same new condition you have received it in, no physical damage and is still in its original packaging. Tech Geeks honors a 7-day refund policy (excluding postage costs to collect item as well as cost already incurred to send item).
We shall arrange collection with you prior to our courier collecting the item. When the product arrives we will inspect it and see if it is liable for an exchange or refund.
A refund will be issued in the circumstance that you do not want to exchange the product and funds may take 5 working days to clear in your account.
Note that this excludes courier costs both to collect the returned item as well as the cost that was charged to send the item. Cost to collect the item is R99.
What happens if I want to change my order or delivery address once I have placed it?
You are more than welcome to change your order or delivery address, unless your order has already left our warehouse. Please contact us urgently to inform us before we pack and ship!